Monday, May 12, 2008

So I was at Yuzawaya (the amazing craft store) yesterday, and I found myself trying to resist this HUGE urge to buy a felt food kit. They had an impressive display of several completed kits, and I just stared and stared and stared at them. My mind kept going back and forth between "They serve no purpose" and "Oh my god. I would lose hours of my life making one." to "But they are amazing" and "I've never seen anything like it." I unfortunately did not have my camera with me or I would have tried to take a picture. I found a pretty decent photo online that I posted above so you can get an idea of what I was looking at. I pulled myself away from the display case and put the "strawberry cake with whipped cream" kit back on the hanger, but will I be able to be that strong the next time I go there?


Anonymous said...

Buy it Ellen! Buy! Felt food is adorable. I have been admiring the toy varieties and am plotting to buy some for some preschooler's birthday. Here is a purpose for you if that's what you need: pretend tea party food for the next young child to visit your home.

One I've admired recently:

OK two:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I want to be supportive of the felt food... it certainly harms noone... but I cannot in good faith endorse this product! OMG!